Alex Lynn
Rhône's network of US investors could be useful for the French firm, which is likely to come back to market in 2018.
Investors are waking up to the appeal of long-life fund structures, a report has found.
The firm, which focuses on growth, venture and expansion capital in the eastern Mediterranean, is seeking at least €100m.
Limited partners should question whether co-investments are within a manager's sweet spot, investors at PEI's Women in Private Equity conference said.
The firm has raised $210m for ACE Buyout III which has a $300m hard-cap, co-founder Adam Said told Private Equity International.
PECA Family Office is planning to reduce its exposure to Europe as GPs and LPs voice concerns over its appeal in the Dutch capital.
The sovereign wealth fund has committed more than $1.2bn to the strategy of taking stakes in managers over the past three years.
The firm acquired the interest from an unnamed LP in Onex Partners IV in late September, chief financial officer Chris Govan said in a third-quarter earnings call.
One of the first firms to raise capital to take minority stakes in GPs will scrap the traditional fixed-term fund model, founder Chas Burkhart tells PEI.
Private equity funds posted a 13.6% pooled IRR over the past three years, significantly outperforming listed equity benchmarks.