Andrew Hedlund
The vehicle has been opened to investors from the firm’s distressed debt hedge fund, which was shuttered earlier this year.
As the firm’s foray into private credit, the vehicle will be sector agnostic and invest in the US and Europe.
The New York-based private equity firm has raised its second fund that can invest in debt.
Results also showed that public pension funds are the most diversified LPs.
The vehicle fell short of its predecessor’s $2bn close.
The alternative asset manager’s fund will invest in the debt and equity of financially troubled companies.
The private credit luminary will leave the firm's investment committees he currently sits on.
The mid-market private equity firm’s debt arm, launched this year, has raised its first pool of capital to make loan, with which it will invest in tech firms.
The Washington-based investment shop’s hire has been active in credit for over two decades.
The fund, which will pursue investment opportunities in the US and Europe, will likely hold a final close by year-end.