Annabelle Ju
Tim Macready, chief investment officer at Christian Super, explains why its energy strategy is geared towards emerging markets, with a focus on renewables.
The Ford Foundation’s $1bn mission-related investing programme is sending a message not only to GPs but also to its peers.
The design of Blackstone's innovation office in New York, true to the name, is anything but conventional.
Alternative asset managers are tapping the small investor market through new channels to increase AUM and diversify investor bases.
Sam Green’s 30 June exit from the $73bn pension will follow the departure of Andy Hayes, who joined First Avenue in January.
The $9bn pension, which is slightly overweight to private equity at 6.3% in actual allocation, plans to commit $1.8bn for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2018.
The $207bn pension fund is proposing the addition of two new sub asset classes in its private equity portfolio.
The $138bn pension fund sees high valuations in private equity as a continued challenge.
The firm, which also invests in corporate carve-outs and buyouts, has allocated about a third of its capital to distressed investing since inception.
The vehicle would be the largest ever for the $189bn private equity firm, which is expected to make a GP commitment of at least 3.5% of total commitments.