Isobel Markham
The fund is closing below its initial €7bn target after almost two years on the road.
As head of the private equity team at Stonehage Fleming, Richard Clarke-Jervoise knows a thing or two about how to attract private wealth to the asset class.
Leverage levels are creeping up to 2007 levels, but this time around there’s another factor to consider – the continued loosening of covenants. Should private equity investors be worried?
Leverage levels are creeping up to 2007 levels, but this time around there’s an added factor – the continued loosening of covenants. Should private equity investors be worried?
Developed market limited partners have fallen out of love with Africa as currency volatility continues to take its toll on returns.
The capital will be invested across the investment firm’s various strategies, including energy private equity, credit, real estate and growth equity.
The pension plan is looking to fill an opening left by Laura Hotaling’s promotion to manager.
Christine Kelleher will work alongside the finance committee and treasurer to guide the gallery’s endowment portfolio, which has a 5% private equity exposure.
The asset class returned more than 18% in the last year, but was the only one that failed to outperform its benchmark.
The purchase of the Polish online marketplace in a club deal accounted for more than 80% of investment in the region.