Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA)

News, insights, analysis and data

Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA) overview

Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA) related stories

Picture of the Company

KEVA boosts PE allocation

The Finnish public pension has hiked its exposure to the asset class for the fourth successive quarter.

Picture of the Company

Altor’s €2.5bn haul extends strategy to DACH region

German-speaking Europe has become part of the firm's core investment focus with the 'one-and-done' close on Altor Fund V.

Picture of the Company

Finland's Keva earmarks investment capital to plug spending gap

Private equity was the pension's best asset class in the first half and could play a key role in filling the income shortfall.

Picture of the Company

KEVA states the importance of responsible investment

The Finnish public pension considers responsible investment to be a strategic issue.

Picture of the Company

EQT raises €1.3bn

The Stockholm-headquartered firm closed its third opportunities credit fund.

Picture of the Company

The 10 largest H1 2017 fund closes (and the LPs in them)

It was a record-breaking first half - but which investors were behind it?

Picture of the Company

KEVA's investments performed well

The Finnish public pension reported a 3.7% return on investments.

Picture of the Company

EQT raises €1bn

View the latest capital raises

Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA) contact information


marker iconUnioninkatu 43, Helsinki, FI011 93430 , Finland
Showing 1 of 1 Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA) offices


NameJob titleLocationEmail
user imageMr. Ari Huotari
Job titleChief Investment Officer
LocationHelsinki, Finland
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user imageMr. Henri Ågren
Job titlePortfolio Manager, Private Equity Investments
LocationHelsinki, Finland
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user imageMs. Kati Bondorff
Job titlePortfolio Manager, Private Equity Investments
LocationHelsinki, Finland
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user imageMs. Kirsi Keskitalo
Job titleHead of Responsible Investments
LocationHelsinki, Finland
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Finnish Local Government Pensions Institution (KEVA) fund commitments

Known fund commitments : 226

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