KPS Capital Partners

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KPS Capital Partners overview

KPS Capital Partners related stories

Picture of the Company

The risers, fallers and newcomers among the PEI 300's biggest fund managers – updated

The largest private equity fund to ever close has shifted the face of the top 10 this year, while a host of newcomers have entered the ranking.

Picture of the Company

SCRS commits $175m to private equity

The Columbia-based public pension fund has backed three private equity funds.

Picture of the Company

SBCERS reveals fresh commitments

SBCERS has revealed two commitments to Kohlberg & Company and KPS Capital Partners.

Picture of the Company

Fubon Life confirms $50m commitment

The Taiwan-based insurance company has backed a private equity fund.

Picture of the Company

TRSL confirms $75m commitment

The Baton Rouge-based public pension has made a new commitment to private equity.

Picture of the Company

Cathay Life Insurance approves $146m in commitments

The Taiwan-based insurance company has backed two private equity funds.

Picture of the Company

OpEx Awards 22: Americas Upper mid-market winner – KPS Capital Partners

KPS Capital Partners’ successful turnaround of TaylorMade Golf Company resulted in the business’s enterprise value increasing four-fold.

Picture of the Company

KPS’s Psaros: ‘Some companies are going to blow up’

A number of turnaround investors have adapted their models to healthier businesses over the past decade amid a shortage of distressed opportunities.

KPS Capital Partners contact information


marker iconOne Vanderbilt Avenue, 52nd Floor, New York, 10017, United States
Showing 1 of 6 KPS Capital Partners offices


NameJob titleLocationEmail
user imageMs. Bhumika Shah
Job titleCFO
LocationNew York, United States
Emaillock image---------
user imageMr. Bryan Assael
Job titleVice President, Legal and Compliance
LocationNew York, United States
Emaillock image---------
user imageMr. Carsten Beck
Job titleManaging Director, European and German Business Development
LocationNew York, United States
Emaillock image-----------
user imageMr. Chris Anderson
Job titleGeneral Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
LocationNew York, United States
Emaillock image------

KPS Capital Partners funds managed

Funds in market: 2

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Closed funds: 9

FundFund sizeClose dateStrategy
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Close dateNov 2023
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Close dateNov 2023
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Close dateOct 2019
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