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A report by two academics shows US buyouts have historically outperformed the S&P 500 by a fairly wide margin.
Sectors that have benefited the most from tech include logistics, cold storage, consumer branding, healthcare and fintech, according to the IFC's global head and chief investment officer for private equity funds, Maria Kozloski.
The pension has to ask funds it invested in before 2017 if it can make their fees and expenses public, and almost half said no.
Clearlake expects to close its second opportunities fund by the end of May, according to Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds documents.
An abundance of young investments in the current generation of funds is largely behind the lower revenues, the firm said on its Q1 earnings call.
The firm expects to close its latest fund in May, according to Rhode Island State Investment Commission documents.
The $153bn pension wants to increase the programme to 35% and double its investment team.
Private equity performance in recent years has been characterised by shortened time to liquiduty and soaring TVPIs.
Examine five key issues for impact investors, ranging from whether there is a sufficient opportunity set to what returns LPs might expect to receive.
In this two-minute video, the Russia veteran explains why rule of law and property rights are crucial to a successful investment.